Exhibition – Βoutique

A visitor of our OLIVE OIL DOMAIN will not only see a modern olive press, but also olive and olive oil products exposed!

Works of art, books, photographs, jewellery, porcelain, candles, food, cosmetics and various utilitarian objects will fascinate the visitor and lead him/her to see the wonderful world of the Greek tradition with a modern look. Because tradition guarantees the future.

He/she will share his/her impressions with us in the book of impressions. Because we also need to hear some good words to continue our course!


All Natural Olive Products exhibited in the olive oil factory’s showroom are based on the blessed olive tree, whether it is foodstuffs (olive oil-olives, pâté, savoury, sweet, etc.), or natural cosmetics-toiletries (creams, soaps, lotions, etc.), and everything is tested and certified by competent bodies.


Visitors can buy art twigs coming from the “BIO GARDEN of OLIVE TREES” and works of art by artists who occasionally exhibit their works in our exhibition space.


A walk in the “BIO GARDEN of OLIVE TREES”, save the peace and relaxation, offers visitors the chance to experience the traditional way of milling the olives. At the outdoor exhibition one will see the millstone, the baler and other artefacts that our ancestors used for olive oil production. In conjunction with the visit to the archaeological site of the ANCIENT THEATRE, the visitor is in awe of a journey through time, facing many aspects of human history